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Old Apr 16, 2012, 10:59 AM
Hellacia Hellacia is offline
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Well, sure, that's a valid point, but to me that's really just saying that not all the music was done in the same style, e.g. with the same synth, with the same general feel... I care less about that than I do about how much I like each track on the CD. If, as you say, FFVIII has some exceedingly bland music, then what does it matter that the music has a coherent flow? That just means it has a coherently bland flow. The tracks on a CD may not blend with each other in multi-composer soundtracks, but in some ways I don't think it's a good thing that they do, because the overall work can become very stale.

This is generally speaking though, because obviously there are single-composer soundtracks whose greatness you just cannot deny (*cough*sagafrontier*cough*).
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