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Atelier Judie ~Alchemist in Gramnad~ Original Soundtrack

ユーディーのアトリエ ~グラムナートの錬金術士~ 囚われの守人 オリジナルサウンドトラック
Judie no Atelier: Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi Toraware no Mamoribito Original Soundtrack


Disc 1 [KDSD-10046-7]

01 Time and a Word 3:30
02 A Visitor in Scarlet Clothes 1:15
03 Country of Bonfires 1:55
04 Let's Work Hard! 2:23
05 Volltone of the Wind 3:07
06 City of Time 2:43
07 Sue the Broom and the Wielder of the Wind 3:11
08 Lisa's First Love Story 2:58
09 Karack Credit Company 2:29
10 Grasslands and the Sky at Sunset 2:10
11 The 10,000 Year Old Sea Urchin 2:55
12 Ocean's Cocktail 2:10
13 Lisa's Strange Adventure 3:36
14 Tunnel of Droplets 2:59
15 I・NI・SHi・E 3:02
16 MA・H・Ro・BA 2:44
17 Go! Go! Maibaum! 2:11
18 Twilight Blue 1:20
19 Level Up 0:37
20 Carnival 1:11
21 Fight to the Death 0:59
22 Beguiled by the Gentle Breeze 0:55
23 Summer Beach 1:05
24 Decisive Battle 1:06
25 Rhythm Nation 1:37
26 Speed Star 1:00
27 Royal Blue 1:57
28 Final Battle 1:43
29 The Day of Fate's Return 3:21
30 Epos "How Heaven and Earth Came to Be" 0:15
31 Epos "Tunnel Poem" 0:14
32 Epos "And?" 0:13
33 Epos "A Clear Morning" 0:16
34 Epos "Of Love Snatched Away" 0:17
35 Elle Gramnad 3:48
36 ARMERIA 4:04
Disc length 71:16
Disc 2 [KDSD-10046-7]

01 The Time-Reading Girl 1:41
02 The Loanshark 2:10
03 The Winds of Adventure Are Blowing 2:41
04 In the Middle of the Darkness 2:20
05 Gate Watcher of the Mine 2:03
06 Tomorrow's Weather Will Surely Be Clear 1:59
07 Insatiable Curiosity 2:14
08 Searching for Good Fortune 1:37
09 The Gentle Giant Tree 1:49
10 Ghost Girl 2:22
11 Saint of Lisa 1:56
12 A Dreaming Maiden 2:25
13 The Town's Talented Man 2:03
14 Manager of Shaved Ice 1:38
15 Oh Mr. Fairy♪ 1:31
16 And Then, She Became Like This 1:23
17 A Quack Doctor 0:44
18 My Prince 0:57
19 That Thing I Borrowed... 1:20
20 Adventure is Romantic 1:22
21 Oh No!! 0:56
22 Hey Friend 1:22
23 Alchemy and Me 1:53
24 What Happened 0:50
25 Lonely Heart 1:12
26 A, Ahaha.. 1:20
27 Ominous Shadow 0:59
28 Requiem 0:59
29 It's a Monster 0:50
30 Wasted Effort 0:44
31 Memories In My Heart 1:11
32 Help Me 0:49
33 Ancient Civilization 0:48
34 Let's Head Out 1:02
35 Here I Come! 0:56
36 DOTABATA 1:15
37 Oh, I'm So Busy 0:48
38 My Truth 1:29
39 Painfulness 0:56
40 The Mystery of Alchemy 1:22
41 My Last Run 1:37
42 Sayonara 1:26
43 Farewell 1:20
44 Please, Don't Go Back 1:02
45 A Vow 0:52
46 Even Beyond the Distant Times 4:44
47 Make Your Memories Precious 4:39
Disc length 73:36

  Total tracks 83   Total length 2:24:52


Daisuke Achiwa (Disc 1 - 1, 36, Disc 2 - 1)
Akira Tsuchiya (Disc 1 - 2, 3, 5~17, 29~34, Disc 2 - 16, 45)
Miyoko Kobayashi (Disc 1 - 4, 35, Disc 2 - 2~15, 18~20, 23, 26, 31, 35, 36, 38~42, 44)
Masayuki Kobayashi (Disc 1 - 18~28, Disc 2 - 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27~30, 32~34, 37, 43, 46, 47)

Daisuke Achiwa (Disc 1 - 1, 36)
Akira Tsuchiya (Disc 1 - 30~34)
Miyoko Kobayashi (Disc 1 - 35)
Masayuki Kobayashi (Disc 2 - 46, 47)

Akira Tsuchiya (Disc 1 - 30~35)
Kanae Aoki (Disc 1 - 1, 36)
Shinichi Yoshiike (Disc 2 - 46)
Masayuki Kobayashi (Disc 2 - 47)

Yuduki (Disc 1 - 1, 36)
Miki Takahashi (Disc 1 - 30~35)
Saeko Chiba (Disc 2 - 46, 47)

Chorus: Yuduki (Disc 1 - 1, 36)

Electric Guitar: Dani (Disc 1 - 1)
Acoustic Guitar: Dani (Disc 1 - 1, 36)
Electric Bass: Dani (Disc 1 - 1, 36)

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