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Blood Curse - A Tribute to Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse

Catalog Number N/A
Release Date Dec 10, 2022
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Release Price 12.00 USD
Media Format Digital
Classification Arrangement
PublisherSindraVania Projects / /
Phonographic CopyrightSindraVania Projects / /
Exclusive RetailerBandcamp / /


Performing Artist / Yes, Mayhem
    Drums / Kevin "cheddar" Lawrence
    Guitars / Grant "Stemage" Henry
    Bass / Dan "chunkstyle" Taylor
Performing Artist / Prime Legion
    Drums / Erich Beckmann
    Guitars / Christophe Blondel
    Bass / Max Noël
    Keyboard / Mike Montemarano
Performing Artist / Mahn, Adam Henry, Ro Panuganti, Gunderslam, Jon Poulin, ThePlasmas, Alexander Brandon, Ian Cowell, Stemage, Mega Beardo, The Arkadian, Housethegrate, Snappleman, RichaadEB, Mustin, Danimal Cannon, Viking Guitar, The Tiberian Sons, Katajun
Featuring / Klaymore, Viking Guitar, Masikus, Yusef Kelliebrew, Sixto Sounds
Arrangement / Mark "Mahn" Schimmelbusch, Adam "AzzyDrummer" Henry, Patrick Gunderson, Jon Poulin, Mauricio Castro, Alexander Brandon, Ian Cowell, Grant "Stemage" Henry, Ryan "Mega Beardo" Postlethwait, Jon "The Arkadian" O'Neal, Alexander "Housethegrate" Liss, Andreas "Snappleman" Kotsamanidis, Richard "RichaadEB" Bichler, Dan "chunkstyle" Taylor, Mustin, Daniel "Danimal Cannon" Behrens, Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody, Austin "Katajun" Green, Christophe Blondel
Drums / Masikus, Yusef Kelliebrew
Vocals / Kat Felicis Ioco, Chris Doughty
Acoustic Guitar / Scott Penick
Guitars / Ro Panuganti, Jon Poulin, Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody, Alexander "Housethegrate" Liss
Drum Programming / Ro Panuganti
Bass / Ro Panuganti
Solo Guitar / Katy Scary, Juan "Sixto Sounds" Medrano
Violin / Ronin Op F
Recording / Adam "AzzyDrummer" Henry, Patrick Gunderson, Mauricio Castro, Alexander Brandon, Ian Cowell, Grant "Stemage" Henry, Ryan "Mega Beardo" Postlethwait, Jon "The Arkadian" O'Neal, Andreas "Snappleman" Kotsamanidis, Richard "RichaadEB" Bichler, Mustin, Daniel "Danimal Cannon" Behrens, Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody, Austin "Katajun" Green
Mixing Engineer / Mark "Mahn" Schimmelbusch, Adam "AzzyDrummer" Henry, Patrick Gunderson, Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody, Mauricio Castro, Alexander Brandon, Ian Cowell, Grant "Stemage" Henry, Ryan "Mega Beardo" Postlethwait, Jon "The Arkadian" O'Neal, Alexander "Housethegrate" Liss, Andreas "Snappleman" Kotsamanidis, Richard "RichaadEB" Bichler, Dan "chunkstyle" Taylor, Mustin, Daniel "Danimal Cannon" Behrens, Austin "Katajun" Green, Ro Panuganti, Christophe Blondel
Producer / Brenna Wilkes
Mastering / Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody
Artwork / David Romero
Original Compositions by / Konami Kukeiha Club /


Disc 1

01 Prelude 3:54
02 Epitaph 3:08
03 Beginning 3:19
04 Boss Battle 2:32
05 Destiny 3:04
06 Clockwork 4:02
07 Encounter 2:48
08 Mad Forest 2:46
09 Anxiety 5:01
10 Rising 5:07
11 Dead Beat 3:41
12 Stream 3:54
13 Nightmare 4:36
14 Aquarius 2:23
15 Demon Seed 3:07
16 Deja Vu 2:06
17 Riddle 4:20
18 Overture 4:21
19 Big Battle 3:26
20 Evergreen 3:41
21 Flashback 2:47
Disc length 74:03



Blood Curse - A Tribute to Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse is exactly that; a tribute to the soundtrack to Konami's NES/Famicom release and third title in the Castlevania series. Following the battle of Trevor Belmont and his companions against Count Dracula and his demonic hordes, Dracula's Curse is one of the cornerstones of the Castlevania franchise.

While not an obscure title in the series, we still wanted to give it proper praise and homage in the form of a community project between a bunch of enthusiastic fans who just happen to be fantastic musicians. The third in my Castlevania Tribute series, Blood Curse is packed with brutal jams and massive talent and has a bit of everything to satisfy every variety of vampire hunter.

Blood Curse on other Storefronts -

Producer: Brenna Wilkes (
Mastering: Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody (
Artwork: David Romero (

Original Compositions By: Konami Kukeiha Klub

1. Mahn
Mark "Mahn" Schimmelbusch - Arrangement & Mixing (
Masikus - Drums (
Kat Felicis Ioco and Chris Doughty - Vocals
Scott Penick - Acoustic Guitar (

2. Adam Henry
Adam "AzzyDrummer" Henry - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

3. Ro Panuganti
Ro Panuganti - Guitars, Drum Programming, Mix, Bass

4. Gunderslam ft. Klaymore
Patrick Gunderson - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing (
Katy Scary - Solo Guitar (

5. Jon Poulin ft. Viking Guitar & Masikus
Jon Poulin - Arrangement & Guitars (
Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody - Mixing, Guitars
Masikus - Drums (

6. ThePlasmas
Mauricio Castro - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing (

7. Alexander Brandon
Alexander Brandon - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing (

8. Ian Cowell
Ian Cowell - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing (
Ronin Op F - Violin (

9. Stemage
Grant "Stemage" Henry - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

10. Mega Beardo
Ryan "Mega Beardo" Postlethwait - Arrangement, Recording Mixing

11. The Arkadian
Jon "The Arkadian" O'Neal - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

12. Housethegrate ft. Yusef Kelliebrew
Alexander "Housethegrate" Liss - Arrangement, Guitars, Mixing
Yusef Kelliebrew - Drums

13. Snappleman
Andreas "Snappleman" Kotsamanidis - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

14. RichaadEB
Richard "RichaadEB" Bichler - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

15. Yes, Mayhem
Dan "chunkstyle" Taylor - Arrangement, Bass, Mixing
Grant "Stemage" Henry - Guitars
Kevin "cheddar" Lawrence - Drums

16. Mustin
Mustin - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

17. Danimal Cannon
Daniel "Danimal Cannon" Behrens - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

18. Viking Guitar ft. Sixto Sounds
Erik "Viking Guitar" Peabody -Arrangement, Recording, Mixing
Juan "Sixto Sounds" Medrano - Solo Guitar

19. The Tiberian Sons

20. Katajun
Austin "Katajun" Green - Arrangement, Recording, Mixing

21. Prime Legion
Prime Legion:
Christophe Blondel - Arrangement, Guitars, Mixing
Erich Beckmann - Drums
Mike Montemarano - Keyboard
Max Noël - Bass

Album Stats

Contained in 2 collections
Contained in 0 wish lists
Platforms represented
NES (Famicom)

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