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Eiga Precure All Stars F Original Soundtrack

映画プリキュアオールスターズF オリジナル・サウンドトラック
Catalog Number MJSA-01372
Barcode 4535506013729
Release Date Sep 13, 2023
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3300 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Vocal
ManufacturerMarvelous Inc. / /
DistributorSony Music Solutions Inc. / /


Music / Erika Fukasawa /
Composer / Erika Fukasawa / , Izumi Mori / , Hiroshi Takaki / , Shiho Terada / , Yuki Hayashi /
Arranger / Izumi Mori / , Hiroshi Takaki / , Shiho Terada / , Yuki Hayashi /
Vocals / Ami Ishii / , Machico, Chihaya Yoshitake / , Carin Isobe / , Rie Kitagawa / , Yuri Komagata / , Kanako Miyamoto /
Lyricist / Kumiko Aoki / , Saori Codama /
Music Produced by / Erika Fukasawa /
Sound Producer / Hikaru Inoue / (Marvelous)
Director / Hikaru Inoue / (Marvelous)
Recording Studio / SOUND INN
Mixing Studio / SIGN SOUND
Recording Engineer / Takashi Koiwa / (SIGN SOUND)
Mixing Engineer / Takashi Koiwa / (SIGN SOUND)
Production Management / 蔭山茂樹 (FUKASAWA MUSIC COMPANY)
Recording Coordinator / Mayumi Torihata / (SIGN SOUND)
Mixing Coordinator / Mayumi Torihata / (SIGN SOUND)
All Programming / Erika Fukasawa /
All Other Instrumental / Erika Fukasawa /
Strings Section / Koichiro Muroya Strings /
Woodwinds / Kei Sakamoto Section /
Horn / Kaname Hamaji Section /
Trumpet / Tatsuhiko Yoshizawa Section /
Trombone / Eijiro Nakagawa Section
Rhythm / Yohske Yamamoto Section /
Mastering at / Sony Music Mastering Studio
Mastering Engineer / Machiko Suzue /
Designers / 近藤真悠
Illustrator / 近藤真悠
Design Coordinator / 岩元真里奈 (Marvelous)
Promoter / Yoshiko Kimura / (Marvelous)
Producer / Hikaru Inoue / (Marvelous)
Assistant Producer / 岩元真里奈 (Marvelous)
Co-producer / 利根里佳 (RIGHT SONG MUSIC PUBLISHING), Mai Inuduka / (TOEI ANIMATION MUSIC PUBLISHING), Takumi Kohama / (Marvelous)
Executive Producer / Kazuyoshi Fukuba / (Marvelous)
Interview / Haramakineko / (GEKIBAN CLUB)
Text / Haramakineko / (GEKIBAN CLUB)


Disc 1

01 Sudden attack! The Pretty Cure arrive 2:11
02 Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! (Movie version) 1:19
03 For "F" (Movie size) 1:32
04 Strange encounters 1:36
05 Running into a crisis 2:11
06 Mounting the broomstick 1:32
07 The great battle 1:32
08 A troublesome conflict 1:54
09 Thinking of someone at the waterfront 1:35
10 In search of fruit 1:37
11 Surely it'll be alright 2:30
12 The unknown Pretty Cure 0:57
13 Anxiety at dusk 2:25
14 The name is Cure Supreme 0:45
15 Rinse it with hot water, and reconcile 2:03
16 A happy camp 1:26
17 With longing in our hearts 2:03
18 Under the starry sky 1:30
19 Catch the train 1:35
20 Puca's mysterious power 0:53
21 Each journey ~ Believing in a reunion 3:14
22 The earth crumbles away 0:48
23 The warmth of your hand 2:01
24 To the Arc 1:28
25 We meet at last! 2:56
26 The truth is revealed 1:07
27 Memories of fierce battles 2:39
28 Power of immortality 2:23
29 Let's end this now 2:17
30 A hero is... 2:04
31 Determined not to falter 2:06
32 Pretty Cure, resurrecting thoughts 8:37
33 All for one Forever 4:50
34 Just the two of us... 1:19
Disc length 70:55

Translated by Pretty Cure Wiki


Music: Erika Fukasawa (Except Track 03,06,07,10,15,16,18,23,33)

Composer & Arranger:
Hiroshi Takaki (06,07)
Shiho Terada (10,16,23)
Yuki Hayashi (15,18)

M-03 - Opening Theme
Vocals: Ami Ishii, Machico
Composer: Izumi Mori
Arranger: Izumi Mori
Lyricist: Kumiko Aoki

M-33 - Insert Song
Vocals: Chihaya Yoshitake, Carin Isobe, Rie Kitagawa, Yuri Komagata, Machico, Kanako Miyamoto
Composer: Izumi Mori
Arranger: Izumi Mori
Lyricist: Saori Codama

Music Composed & Produced by Erika Fukasawa
Sound Producer & Director: Hikaru Inoue (Marvelous)
Recording Studio at SOUND INN
Mixing Studio at SIGN SOUND
Recording & Mixing Engineer: Takashi Koiwa (SIGN SOUND)
Production Management: 蔭山茂樹 (FUKASAWA MUSIC COMPANY)
Recording & Mixing Coordinator: Mayumi Torihata (SIGN SOUND)

All Programming & All Other Instrumental: Erika Fukasawa
Strings Section: Koichiro Muroya Strings
Wood Winds: Kei Sakamoto Section
Horn: Kaname Hamaji Section
Trumpet: Tatsuhiko Yoshizawa Section
Trombone: Eijiro Nakagawa Section
Rhythm: Yohske Yamamoto Section

Mastering at Sony Music Mastering Studio
Mastering Engineer: Machiko Suzue

Designers & Illustrator: 近藤真悠
Design coordinator: 岩元真里奈 (Marvelous)

Promoter: Yoshiko Kimura (Marvelous)

Producer: Hikaru Inoue (Marvelous)
Assistant Producer: 岩元真里奈 (Marvelous)
                        Mai Inuduka (TOEI ANIMATION MUSIC PUBLISHING)
                        Takumi Kohama (Marvelous)
Executive Producer: Kazuyoshi Fukuba (Marvelous)

Interview & Text: Haramakineko (GEKIBAN CLUB)

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