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ファイアーエムブレム if オリジナルサウンドトラック
Fire Emblem Fates Original Soundtrack


Music Composition / Hiroki Morishita / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS), Takeru Kanazaki / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS), Rei Kondoh / (T's MUSIC), Masato Kouda / (DESIGN WAVE), Yasuhisa Baba / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS)
Original Music Production / Yuka Tsujiyoko / , Yoshito Hirano /
Lyrics / Nami Komuro / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS), Kouhei Maeda / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS)
Vocal / Renka / (Being), Yoshimasa Hosoya /
1st Violin / Maiko Sugiyama / (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
2nd Violin / Miho Komatsu / (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
Viola / Mei Mishina / (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
Cello / Yumiko Morooka / (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
Koto / Aya Hoashi /
Violin / Aya Hoashi /
Recording Engineer / Yusuke Matsuda (Being), Takayuki Ichikawa / (Being)
Mixing Engineer / Yusuke Matsuda (Being)
Assistant Director / Takashi Yoshida / (Being)
Sound Coordination / Daisuke Ikeda / (Being), Shoko Tamaki (TAMA MUSIC)
Recording Studio / Birdman West, Thomas Studio
Illustration / Yusuke Kozaki /
Planning / 北西祐介 (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS), Daisuke Nakajima / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS), Masahiro Higuchi / (INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS)
Sentence Editing / Kazuya Sakai / (AMBIT), Mika Kanmuri /
Mastering Engineer / Takashi Sudo /
Art Director / Tsuyoshi Kato /
Design / So Sudo / (S-PLUS), Nahomi Honda / (S-PLUS)
Sales Promotion / Kyousuke Terakata
Web Promotion / Hideaki Yamazaki, Mayuko Furukawa, Reiko Yoshizawa
Label Assistant / Kozue Nagayama /
Producer / Tetsuya Ohsono
Executive Producer / Kenji Yamamoto /

Disc 1 (CD) [TSZM-0049] Original Soundtrack

01 Lakeside Song 0:39
02 Hanging Balance 0:55
03 Ties That Bind 1:02
04 Endless Nightmare 0:56
05 Woleb Tsap 2:42
06 Quiet Burn 2:26
07 Quiet Burn (Roar) 2:26
08 Watery Music Box 1:17
09 Dusk Falls 5:28
10 Dusk Falls (Fire) 5:28
11 Far Dawn 5:49
12 Far Dawn (Storm) 5:49
13 Grief 1:14
Disc length 36:11
Disc 2 (CD) [TSZM-0050] Original Soundtrack

01 Past Light 5:55
02 Past Light (Storm) 5:54
03 Pale Star 3:10
04 Misery in Hand 2:29
05 Paradise (Light) 2:48
06 Shine in the Light 3:27
07 Resolve (Light) 5:12
08 Justice RIP 5:15
09 Justice RIP (Storm) 5:15
10 Lingering Clouds 3:04
11 Rage in the Light 2:21
12 Homesick (Light) 2:18
13 Implore the Dawn 3:08
14 Light Song 1:15
15 Guest of Light 3:08
16 Alight 5:39
17 Alight (Storm) 5:39
18 Rush (Light) 1:31
19 You of the Light 2:23
20 End of All (Sky) 4:37
21 A Mother's Wish 1:26
Disc length 75:54
Disc 3 (CD) [TSZM-0051] Original Soundtrack

01 Dark Wastes 4:56
02 Dark Wastes (Fire) 4:56
03 Dim Moonlight 2:41
04 Condemnation 2:15
05 Paradise (Dark) 1:50
06 Dance in the Dark 3:03
07 Resolve (Dark) 5:11
08 No Justice 5:53
09 No Justice (Fire) 5:53
10 Raging Dark Winds 2:45
11 Squirm in the Dark 2:19
12 Homesick (Dark) 1:49
13 Pray to the Dark 3:19
14 Dark Song 1:09
15 Guest of Shade 2:39
16 A Dark Fall 5:43
17 A Dark Fall (Fire) 5:44
18 Rush (Dark) 1:31
19 You of the Dark 2:29
20 End of All (Land) 4:37
21 A Brother's Vow 1:26
Disc length 72:08
Disc 4 (CD) [TSZM-0052] Original Soundtrack

01 Road Taken 5:33
02 Road Taken (Roar) 5:33
03 Abundant Solace 4:32
04 Petals in the Wind 3:00
05 What Can You Do? 2:39
06 The Path to You 3:32
07 Sound of Hammers 2:03
08 Curious Dining 1:40
09 No Cure For... 1:50
10 Unfamiliar Streets 3:05
11 Pleasure Capital 3:04
12 Valiant Illusion 1:23
13 Humming/Treasures 1:34
14 "Open for Business!" 2:18
15 Light on a Window 2:40
16 Are You Listening? 2:43
17 Left to Heaven 1:04
18 A Lady's Mirror 1:29
19 Rest & Indulgence 2:05
20 Reminiscence 3:02
21 Rejoice in Love 3:56
22 To a Foreign Land 4:28
23 Conquest (Fates version) 4:29
24 Conquest (Ablaze) (Fates version) 4:27
Disc length 72:09
Disc 5 (CD) [TSZM-0053] Original Soundtrack

01 Knowledge 5:35
02 Knowledge (Roar) 5:35
03 The Wistful Wilds 2:29
04 How Can That Be? 2:49
05 Spreading Shadow 2:33
06 Vanity Judge 5:31
07 Vanity Judge (Roar) 5:31
08 Time of Retribution 2:48
09 Wild Outlaw 2:23
10 The Dim Abyss 2:41
11 Prelude to Dispute 3:10
12 Advance Confusion 2:33
13 Separation 0:54
14 As All Stars Fall 2:22
15 Prelude to Disaster 2:33
16 Lament 2:26
17 Thorn in You 6:23
18 Thorn in You (Roar) 6:23
19 Warmth Is Gone 4:17
Disc length 68:56
Disc 6 (CD) [TSZM-0054] Original Soundtrack

01 Past Below 5:35
02 Past Below (Flow) 5:35
03 Flickering Illusion 2:33
04 Puppet's Feast 2:20
05 Oblivescence 4:32
06 The Water Maiden 2:57
07 Those Who Visit 4:39
08 Premonition 4:27
09 True Form of Evil 2:53
10 Land Below 5:50
11 Land Below (Flow) 5:50
12 Vacant Cradle 2:29
13 Destiny by Blood 2:22
14 In the Stars 4:37
15 The Truth-Teller 2:05
16 Return to Elegance 2:15
17 Woleb Tsap (Flow) 2:42
Disc length 63:41
Disc 7 (CD) [TSZM-0055] Original Soundtrack, Vocal

01 Far Away 5:22
02 Far Away (Deeds) 5:21
03 Obsidian Ruler 2:34
04 Lost King's Supper 2:31
05 New Power 2:09
06 Glory/Ruin 6:09
07 Glory/Ruin (Deeds) 6:08
08 Coming Demise 3:14
09 Fantastical Feast 2:11
10 Egdelwonk 2:44
11 Destiny, Help Us 4:39
12 End of All (Below) 4:37
13 Ember of Hope 3:17
14 Brethren United 1:52
15 Final Elites 6:05
16 Lost in Thoughts All Alone 5:56
17 Bubbles 4:33
18 Flowing Waters 1:26
19 FATE (For Sakura and Elise) 3:07
Disc length 73:55
Disc 8 (DVD-ROM) [TSZM-0056] Original Soundtrack, Vocal

01 New Heights 0:14
02 Path of the Hero-King 2:07
03 The Devoted (Fates version) 1:41
04 Rival (Fates version) 3:15
05 Id (Hope) (Fates version) 2:19
06 Contest of Pride 5:47
07 Contest of Pride (Roar) 5:47
08 Contest of Pride (Blast) 5:47
09 "Oh, it's not so bad, Lissa. Just a healthy little walk!" (Fates version) 4:14
10 Prelude (Fates version) 5:39
11 Prelude (Ablaze) (Fates version) 5:39
12 "It appears the capital was spared the chaos." (Fates version) 3:27
13 Id (Serenity) (Fates version) 3:23
14 "Negotiation's not my strong suit..." (Fates version) 2:24
15 "Let's see what I'm capable of now." (Fates version) 1:23
16 Desire Below 5:31
17 Desire Below (Flow) 5:31
18 "Dry your tears, love. This is not good-bye." (Fates version) 3:21
19 Bearer of Hope (Fates version) 3:28
20 Duty (Fates version) 5:50
21 Duty (Ablaze) (Fates version) 5:50
22 Abundant Solace (Festival) 4:24
23 Perplexing Dreams 2:24
24 Premonition (Support) 4:39
25 Lost in the Waves 3:48
26 Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remembrance) 2:28
27 Lakeside Song (Instrumental) 0:24
28 Grief (Instrumental) 1:13
29 Light Song (Instrumental) 1:13
30 Dark Song (Instrumental) 1:06
31 End of All (Instrumental) 4:28
32 Lost in the Waves (Instrumental) 3:45
33 Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Instrumental) 5:54
34 Woleb Tsap (ver.AC) 2:49
35 Quiet Burn (ver.AC) 2:32
36 Watery Music Box (ver.AC) 1:18
37 Dusk Falls (ver.AC) 5:45
38 Far Dawn (ver.AC) 6:07
39 Past Light (ver.AC) 6:13
40 Pale Star (ver.AC) 3:18
41 Paradise (Light) (ver.AC) 2:55
42 Shine in the Light (ver.AC) 3:36
43 Resolve (Light) (ver.AC) 5:27
44 Justice RIP (ver.AC) 5:31
45 Lingering Clouds (ver.AC) 3:12
46 Homesick (Light) (ver.AC) 2:22
47 Implore the Dawn (ver.AC) 3:16
48 Guest of Light (ver.AC) 3:16
49 Alight (ver.AC) 5:56
50 Dark Wastes (ver.AC) 5:10
51 Dim Moonlight (ver.AC) 2:48
52 Paradise (Dark) (ver.AC) 1:54
53 Dance in the Dark (ver.AC) 3:10
54 Resolve (Dark) (ver.AC) 5:27
55 No Justice (ver.AC) 6:11
56 Raging Dark Winds (ver.AC) 2:52
57 Homesick (Dark) (ver.AC) 1:52
58 Pray to the Dark (ver.AC) 3:28
59 Guest of Shade (ver.AC) 2:45
60 A Dark Fall (ver.AC) 6:01
61 Road Taken (ver.AC) 5:49
62 Abundant Solace (ver.AC) 4:45
63 Petals in the Wind (ver.AC) 3:08
64 What Can You Do? (ver.AC) 2:45
65 The Path to You (ver.AC) 3:41
66 Sound of Hammers (ver.AC) 2:08
67 Curious Dining (ver.AC) 1:42
68 No Cure For... (ver.AC) 1:53
69 Unfamiliar Streets (ver.AC) 3:12
70 Pleasure Capital (ver.AC) 3:11
71 Valiant Illusion (ver.AC) 1:24
72 Humming/Treasures (ver.AC) 1:37
73 "Open for Business!" (ver.AC) 2:23
74 Light on a Window (ver.AC) 2:46
75 Are You Listening? (ver.AC) 2:50
76 Left to Heaven (ver.AC) 1:04
77 A Lady's Mirror (ver.AC) 1:31
78 Rest & Indulgence (ver.AC) 2:09
79 Reminiscence (ver.AC) 3:09
80 Rejoice in Love (ver.AC) 4:07
81 To a Foreign Land (ver.AC) 4:40
82 Conquest (ver.AC) 4:42
83 Knowledge (ver.AC) 5:51
84 The Wistful Wilds (ver.AC) 2:35
85 How Can That Be? (ver.AC) 2:56
86 Spreading Shadow (ver.AC) 2:39
87 Vanity Judge (ver.AC) 5:47
88 Time of Retribution (ver.AC) 2:55
89 The Dim Abyss (ver.AC) 2:47
90 Prelude to Dispute (ver.AC) 3:18
91 Advance Confusion (ver.AC) 2:39
92 As All Stars Fall (ver.AC) 2:27
93 Prelude to Disaster (ver.AC) 2:39
94 Thorn in You (ver.AC) 6:43
95 Warmth Is Gone (ver.AC) 4:32
96 Past Below (ver.AC) 5:51
97 Flickering Illusion (ver.AC) 2:39
98 Oblivescence (ver.AC) 4:45
99 The Water Maiden (ver.AC) 3:04
100 Those Who Visit (ver.AC) 4:53
101 Premonition (ver.AC) 4:39
102 True Form of Evil (ver.AC) 3:00
103 Land Below (ver.AC) 6:08
104 Vacant Cradle (ver.AC) 2:35
105 In the Stars (ver.AC) 4:50
106 The Truth-Teller (ver.AC) 2:09
107 Return to Elegance (ver.AC) 2:20
108 Far Away (ver.AC) 5:38
109 Obsidian Ruler (ver.AC) 2:40
110 New Power (ver.AC) 2:14
111 Glory/Ruin (ver.AC) 6:27
112 Coming Demise (ver.AC) 3:23
113 Egdelwonk (ver.AC) 2:51
114 Destiny, Help Us (ver.AC) 4:52
115 Ember of Hope (ver.AC) 3:26
Disc length 414:22

Translated by Nintendo of America, 8-4 Ltd., Aveyn Knight/VincentASM, Fire Emblem Wiki
Total tracks 249   Total length 14:37:16


disc1-1,3*,5,9,10,13 / disc2-1,2,13,14,20 / disc3-4,13,14,20 / disc4-10,11,14,22,23,24 / disc6-1,2,6,8,13,16,17 / disc7-9,12,16,17,18,19 / disc8-1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,18,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,37,39,47,58,69,70,73,81,82,96,99,101,107
* Collaborative

disc1-2,3*,4,8 / disc2-4,7,10 / disc3-7,10,11 / disc4-1,2,3,6,7,8,9,12,13,15,17,18,19 / disc5-1,2,5,8,13,14,16,19 / disc6-7,9,12,15 / disc7-10 / disc8-22,36,43,45,54,56,61,62,65,66,67,68,71,72,74,76,77,78,83,86,88,92,95,100,102,104,106,113
* Collaborative

Rei Kondoh (T's MUSIC)
disc1-6,7,11,12 / disc2-3,6,11,15,16,17,18,19,21 / disc3-8,9,18,21 / disc4-5,20,21 / disc5-3,4,11,17,18 / disc6-10,11 / disc7-4,6,7,13,14 / disc8-4,14,15,35,38,40,42,48,49,55,64,79,80,84,85,90,94,103,111,115

Masato Kouda (DESIGN WAVE)
disc2-8,9 / disc3-1,2,3,6,15,16,17,19 / disc4-4,16 / disc5-6,7,9,10,12,15 / disc6-3,4,14 / disc7-1,2,3,5,8,11,15 / disc8-44,50,51,53,59,60,63,75,87,89,91,93,97,105,108,109,110,112,114

disc2-5,12 / disc3-5,12 / disc6-5 / disc8-41,46,52,57,98

Originally Composed by Yuka Tsujiyoko
disc4-12,13,14 / disc5-13 / disc7-14,15 / disc8-2,71,72

Originally Composed by Yoshito Hirano

01~26: Additional Tracks
27~33: Instrumental
34~115: Ver.AC

Renka (Being) [VOCAL]
disc1-1,13 / disc2-14,20 / disc3-14,20 / disc6-16 / disc7-12,16 / disc8-25

Yoshimasa Hosoya (細谷佳正) [VOCAL]

Maiko Sugiyama [1st VIOLIN]
Miho Komatsu [2nd VIOLIN]
Mei Mishina [VIOLA]
Yumiko Morooka [CELLO]

Aya Hoashi [KOTO & VIOLIN]

Fire Emblem if Theme "if ~Hitori Omou~"
Vocal (Aqua): Renka
Lyrics: Kouhei Maeda
Music: Hiroki Morishita
1st Violin: Maiko Sugiyama (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
2nd Violin: Miho Komatsu (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
Viola: Mei Mishina (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
Cello: Yumiko Morooka (Lime Ladies Orchestra)
Recording & Mixing Engineer: Yusuke Matsuda (Being)
Recording Engineer: Takayuki Ichikawa (Being)
Assistant Director: Takashi Yoshida (Being)
Sound Coordination: Daisuke Ikeda (Being), Shoko Tamaki (TAMA MUSIC)
Recording Studio: Birdman West, Thomas Studio

"if ~Hitori Omou~ Remembrance"

Yusuke Kozaki


Kazuya Sakai (AMBIT)
Mika Kanmuri

Mastering Engineer: Takashi Sudo

Art director: Tsuyoshi Kato
Design: So Sudo (S-PLUS), Nahomi Honda (S-PLUS)
Sales Promotion: Kyousuke Terakata
Web Promotion: Hideaki Yamazaki, Mayuko Furukawa, Reiko Yoshizawa
Label Assistant: Kozue Nagayama

Producer: Tetsuya Ohsono
Executive Producer: Kenji Yamamoto

Album Stats

Contained in 76 collections
Contained in 19 wish lists
Platforms represented
Nintendo 3DS

Available at



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