Discuss | Edit Josh Whelchel
Submitted by whelchelphd on Apr 17, 2016 05:41 PM
Image provided by Amanda Appiarius
THE Josh Whelchel
Dec 3, 1987
Louisville, KY, United States
Credited works
42 albums in database
27 arranger
25 composer
7 lyricist
5 performer
2 producer
1 artist
1 track producer
1 special thanks
1 recording engineer
1 songwriter


No notes available for this artist.



12.06 The Spirit Engine Original Soundtrack N/A Composer, Arranger


02.10 Bonesaw: The Soundtrack N/A Composer, Arranger
08.01 The Spirit Engine 2: Original Soundtrack JWMUSIC.ORG 10101 Composer, Arranger
08.01 The Spirit Engine 2: Selections JWMUSIC.ORG 10102 Composer, Arranger


04.26 Songs for the Cure '09 JWMUSIC.ORG RFL09 Composer


04.01 Songs for the Cure '10 [Limited Edition] JWMUSIC.ORG RFL10 Composer
04.11 stories vol. 1 (2001-2008) JWMUSIC.ORG 10103 Composer, Arranger
06.07 GunGirl 2 Original Soundtrack JWMUSIC.ORG 10104 Composer, Arranger
06.18 SkullPogo: Original Soundtrack JWMUSIC.ORG 10105 Composer
07.09 GunGirl 2 Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] JWMUSIC.ORG 10104 Composer, Arranger
10.27 Super Meat Boy! Soundtrack N/A Arranger, Performer, Lyricist


01.11 NICE TO MEAT YOU N/A Arranger, Performer, Lyricist
03.09 Undead On Arrival N/A Arranger
03.12 PPPPPPowerup! N/A Arranger
03.12 PPPPPPowerup! N/A Arranger
03.16 The Spirit Engine 2: Premonitions JWMUSIC.ORG 10106 Composer, Arranger
03.29 Songs for the Cure '11: Remedy JWMUSIC.ORG RFL11-A Composer, Lyricist
03.29 Songs for the Cure '11: Esuna JWMUSIC.ORG RFL11-B Composer, Lyricist
04.01 Children of the Summer JWMUSIC.ORG PS101 Composer, Performer, Lyricist
04.05 Super Meat Boy Ultra Edition Soundtrack N/A Arranger, Performer
07.05 NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming OCRA-0026 Arranger
09.12 Impostor Nostalgia UBI028 Arranger
10.24 Wind-up Knight Original Soundtrack JWMUSIC.ORG 10107 Composer, Arranger
11.11 Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion Original Soundtrack JWMUSIC.ORG 10108 Composer
11.22 25YEARLEGEND: A Legend of Zelda Indie Game Composer Tribute OCRA-0029 Arranger
11.25 Super Meat Boy! Digital Special Edition Soundtrack N/A Arranger


??.?? The Spirit Engine Original Soundtrack N/A Composer, Arranger
02.14 Indie Mashup EP: Sharing is Caring N/A Producer
04.15 Me and My Dinosaur 2 Official Soundtrack JOY-657 Composer, Arranger
06.18 Final Fantasy: Random Encounter OCRA-0035 Arranger, Performer, Lyricist
11.10 Jottobots, original sound. N/A Composer
12.03 Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! OCRA-0036 Arranger


01.16 Rise of the Blobs Original Soundtrack JOY-559 Composer
05.07 FZ: Side Z JOY-770 Artist


02.27 Oblitus N/A Composer, Track Producer, Arranger
09.09 Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart OCRA-0053 Arranger, Lyricist
10.09 MATERIA: Final Fantasy VII Remixed MCOL-0001 Special Thanks, Arranger, Producer


10.25 Masquerada: Songs & Shadows N/A Composer, Arranger


04.13 KROMAIA N/A Composer
07.21 TESSERACT: An Acoustic FEZ Album MCOL-0033 Recording Engineer (as THE Josh Whelchel)


01.25 Castle Story Official Soundtrack N/A Composer


06.14 Caller's Bane (Original Game Soundtrack) MSM0108 Songwriter

Referenced on 1 album


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