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ZeroRanger Arranged Album -GREEN ARRANGE- / ZeroRanger Arranged Album -GREEN ARRANGE- / ZeroRanger Arranged Album -GREEN ARRANGE-
ZeroRanger Arranged Album -GREEN ARRANGE- ZeroRanger Arranged Album -GREEN ARRANGE-
Provider of Ingredients / Provider of Ingredients | eebrozgi | Artist / Artist | R-Man, ViRiX Dreamcore, Kenichi Arakawa / 荒川憲一, SomeSpoonyBard, neozoid, floopy, MB, Tee-vee, Garoslaw, Keishi Yonao / 与猶啓至, AIKATYPE, fusoxide, Leilani Wilson, RRThiel, potatoTeto, soothingMelody, Eiichiro Yanagi / 柳英一朗, Kyohei Nishizaka / 西坂恭平, hasu, +TEK, jaxcheese, HeavyViper, Loser Kashiwagi / 柏木るざりん, Soshi Hosoi / 細井聡司, Cryptovolans, dante gofar, Raito / 来兎, antymis, milkypossum, COSIO, Lena Raine, Promtastik, Chimeratio, Melos Han-Tani, WASi303, Francisco Cerda, Dominic Ninmark, eebrozgi, Justin Thornburgh, sincx, Philip Saguil, Jamphibious, Yasuhisa Watanabe / 渡部恭久 | Featuring / Featuring | KanaChi, soothingMelody, Elspeth Bawden, Emma Kobin, Eevamari | Arrangement / Arrangement | R-Man, ViRiX Dreamcore, Kenichi Arakawa / 荒川憲一, SomeSpoonyBard, neozoid, floopy, MB, Tee-vee, Garoslaw, Keishi Yonao / 与猶啓至, AIKATYPE, fusoxide, Leilani Wilson, RRThiel, potatoTeto, soothingMelody, Eiichiro Yanagi / 柳英一朗, Kyohei Nishizaka / 西坂恭平, hasu, +TEK, jaxcheese, HeavyViper, Loser Kashiwagi / 柏木るざりん, Soshi Hosoi / 細井聡司, Cryptovolans, dante gofar, Raito / 来兎, antymis, milkypossum, COSIO, Lena Raine, Promtastik, Chimeratio, Melos Han-Tani, WASi303, Francisco Cerda, Dominic Ninmark, eebrozgi, Justin Thornburgh, sincx, Philip Saguil, Jamphibious, Yasuhisa Watanabe / 渡部恭久 | Vocals / Vocals | KanaChi, Elspeth Bawden, soothingMelody, HeavyViper | Soprano / Soprano | Emma Kobin | Alto / Alto | Eevamari | Lyrics / Lyrics | Ebbo, eebrozgi, Recca, Cargodin, MB, soothingMelody, HeavyViper | Japanese Lyrics Translation / Japanese Lyrics Translation | Recca, MB | Vocals Transcription / Vocals Transcription | MB | Electric Guitar / Electric Guitar | R-Man, Rammy, SomeSpoonyBard, Tee-vee, Yemo Wang, soothingMelody, Mattmatatt, Jamphibious | Violin / Violin | Issaku Matsumoto / 松本一策, Promtastik | Acoustic Guitar / Acoustic Guitar | MB, JP Glovasa, soothingMelody, Kyohei Nishizaka / 西坂恭平 | Cajón / Cajón | MB | Viola / Viola | Rita Kamishiro | Cello / Cello | Marcus Ho | Fretless Bass / Fretless Bass | MB | Slap Bass / Slap Bass | Husky by the Geek | Electric Bass / Electric Bass | Tee-vee, Husky by the Geek, MB, Kyohei Nishizaka / 西坂恭平, Mattmatatt | Rap / Rap | soothingMelody | Screaming / Screaming | eebrozgi, MB | Electric Guitar Solo / Electric Guitar Solo | Rammy | Keyboards / Keyboards | MB | Piano / Piano | MB, Caleb Paine, Lena Raine, Philip Saguil | Drums / Drums | Cryptovolans, Ben Ingvarson | Chiptune Programming / Chiptune Programming | sincx | Djembe / Djembe | AIKATYPE | Upright Bass / Upright Bass | Jack Dobson | Soprano Saxophone / Soprano Saxophone | Justin Thornburgh | Alto Saxophone / Alto Saxophone | Justin Thornburgh, Charles Ritz | Tenor Saxophone / Tenor Saxophone | Justin Thornburgh | Baritone Saxophone / Baritone Saxophone | Justin Thornburgh | 12-string Acoustic Guitar / 12-string Acoustic Guitar | Kyohei Nishizaka / 西坂恭平 | Accordion / Accordion | Anatole Muster | Synthesizer Solo / Synthesizer Solo | Chimeratio | EWI / EWI | Charles Ritz | Sampled Artist / Sampled Artist | Promtastik, AIKATYPE, antymis, Cryptovolans, MB, HeavyViper, Justin Thornburgh, potatoTeto, neozoid, milkypossum, Lena Raine, Garoslaw, jaxcheese, ViRiX Dreamcore, floopy, fusoxide, Dominic Ninmark, SomeSpoonyBard, Philip Saguil, Yasuhisa Watanabe / 渡部恭久, Melos Han-Tani | Produced by / Produced by | Resonant Union, System Erasure | Mixed by / Mixed by | R-Man, ViRiX Dreamcore, Kenichi Arakawa / 荒川憲一, SomeSpoonyBard, neozoid, floopy, MB, Tee-vee, Garoslaw, Keishi Yonao / 与猶啓至, AIKATYPE, fusoxide, Leilani Wilson, RRThiel, potatoTeto, soothingMelody, Eiichiro Yanagi / 柳英一朗, Kyohei Nishizaka / 西坂恭平, hasu, +TEK, jaxcheese, HeavyViper, Loser Kashiwagi / 柏木るざりん, Soshi Hosoi / 細井聡司, Cryptovolans, dante gofar, Raito / 来兎, antymis, milkypossum, COSIO, Lena Raine, Promtastik, Chimeratio, Melos Han-Tani, WASi303, Francisco Cerda, Dominic Ninmark, eebrozgi, Justin Thornburgh, sincx, Philip Saguil, Jamphibious, Yasuhisa Watanabe / 渡部恭久 | Project Organizer / Project Organizer | Recca | Production Assistance / Production Assistance | MB, eebrozgi | Mastering / Mastering | R-Man | Recording Engineer / Recording Engineer | eebrozgi | Cover Art / Cover Art | Ebbo | Logo / Logo | Ebbo | Booklet / Booklet | Philip Saguil, MB, dante gofar | Video Editor / Video Editor | MB, Chimeratio | Liner Notes / Liner Notes | eebrozgi, Recca | Website Editor / Website Editor | Philip Saguil |
Disc 1
01 |
Prelude |
02 |
Colours of My Sky |
03 |
Boiling Brew |
04 |
It May Be Greenish ~Maiden sortie~ |
05 |
Final Box |
06 |
XOR-Type |
07 |
Refreshening ~floopy's "Even Fresher" Remix~ |
08 |
Ranger Machine March -ZERO- |
09 |
Impossible Orange ~Out O' Range!!~ |
10 |
4th Gear - Dance into Skullbashing - |
11 |
12 |
Heavy Heart ~ Air Mix ~ |
13 |
BOSSAY ~ultranity~ |
14 |
For Your Security |
15 |
A Warm Return |
Disc length
Disc 2
01 |
It May Be Greenish ~That Future of Ours~ |
02 |
Comforting Chococcino ~ Afrika Chill Mix ~ |
03 |
phyn'll bäcks |
04 |
Sour Eater ~glaze peeler~ |
05 |
Refreshening ~ The Orange Café ~ |
06 |
Dreamlike Reality -SV3T0V1D- |
07 |
The Sea Has Returned ~Soaring Reunion~ |
08 |
Sky XXXX Days |
09 |
Hyes |
10 |
Hold On / Stall Out |
Disc length
Disc 3
01 |
The Adventure of Life Goes On ~OUR CRY TO INFINITY~ |
02 |
03 |
It May Be Greenish - eternal 80's arrange - |
04 |
BOSSAY ~ Spreading Barrage ~ |
05 |
Yynem ~ menyY |
06 |
07 |
The Sea Has Returned: Beneath the Waves |
08 |
4th Shade (cyber dnb mix) |
09 |
Heavy Heart - Vanilla Milk Mix - |
10 |
For Your Security -COSIO Tripl3t Remix- |
11 |
The Sea Has Returned ~ Comet's Eve ~ |
Disc length
Disc 4
01 |
Black Onion ~ALLIUM OF HOPE~ |
02 |
Menacing [fifth_nucleus] |
03 |
Descent At Last ~an echo of heaven~ |
04 |
Despair -highkey high mix- |
05 |
Despair (Last Breath Mix) |
06 |
Now or Never, Get Fired Up!! |
07 |
Green Orange ~Story So Far~ |
08 |
Sacred Defender ~Karmaphala~ |
09 |
Sacred Defender - true finalboss mix - |
10 |
Her Song |Heaven & Earth| |
11 |
Swinging Citrus ~ Jackfruit Swing Arrange ~ |
12 |
The Earth Has Returned |
Disc length
Total tracks
Total length
"The ultimate ZeroRanger arrange album.
Enjoy nearly 3.5 hours of arrangements from System Erasure's iconic OST to ZeroRanger by eebrozgi!"
The album is discounted at 20% off for a launch sale from 9/28/24-10/12/24. After this period, the album is sold at its full price of $25.
DISC १: The Attack (1-15) 01. R-Man Arrangement: R-Man
02. R-Man feat. KanaChi Arrangement: R-Man Lyrics: Ebbo, eebrozgi, Recca, Cargodin, MB Japanese Lyrics Translation: Recca, MB Vocals Transcription: MB Vocals: KanaChi Electric Guitar: R-Man
03. ViRiX Dreamcore Arrangement: ViRiX Dreamcore Electric Guitar: Rammy
04. Kenichi Arakawa Arrangement: Kenichi Arakawa Violin: Issaku Matsumoto
05. SomeSpoonyBard Arrangement: SomeSpoonyBard Electric Guitar: SomeSpoonyBard
06. neozoid Arrangement: neozoid
07. floopy Arrangement: floopy
08. MB Arrangement: MB Acoustic Guitar: MB Cajón: MB Violin: Promtastik Viola: Rita Kamishiro Cello: Marcus Ho Fretless Bass: MB Slap Bass: Husky by the Geek
09. Tee-vee Arrangement: Tee-vee Electric Guitar: Tee-vee Electric Bass: Tee-vee
10. Garoslaw Arrangement: Garoslaw
11. Keishi Yonao Arrangement: Keishi Yonao
12. AIKATYPE Arrangement: AIKATYPE
13. fusoxide Arrangement: fusoxide
14. Leilani Wilson Arrangement: Leilani Wilson
15. Keishi Yonao Arrangement: Keishi Yonao
DISC २: The Return (16-25) 01 (16). MB feat. soothingMelody, Elspeth Bawden Arrangement: MB Lyrics: soothingMelody, MB, Recca Rap: soothingMelody Vocals: Elspeth Bawden Screaming: eebrozgi, MB Violin: Promtastik Cello: Marcus Ho Acoustic Guitar: JP Glovasa Electric Guitar: R-Man Electric Guitar Solo: Rammy Keyboards: MB Piano: MB Electric Bass: Husky by the Geek Drums: Cryptovolans Chiptune Programming: sincx
02 (17). AIKATYPE Arrangement: AIKATYPE Djembe: AIKATYPE
03 (18). RRThiel Arrangement: RRThiel
04 (19). potatoTeto Arrangement: potatoTeto
05 (20). MB Arrangement: MB Electric Guitar: Yemo Wang Upright Bass: Jack Dobson Piano: Caleb Paine Drums: Ben Ingvarson Soprano Saxophone: Justin Thornburgh Alto Saxophone: Justin Thornburgh Tenor Saxophone: Justin Thornburgh Baritone Saxophone: Justin Thornburgh
06 (21). soothingMelody Arrangement: soothingMelody Lyrics: soothingMelody Vocals: soothingMelody Acoustic Guitar: soothingMelody Electric Guitar: soothingMelody Electric Bass: MB
07 (22). Eiichiro Yanagi & Kyohei Nishizaka Arrangement: Eiichiro Yanagi & Kyohei Nishizaka Acoustic Guitar: Kyohei Nishizaka 12 Strings Acoustic Guitar: Kyohei Nishizaka Electric Bass: Kyohei Nishizaka
08 (23). hasu Arrangement: hasu
09 (24). +TEK Arrangement: +TEK
10 (25). jaxcheese Arrangement: jaxcheese
DISC ३: The Dream (26-36) 01 (26). HeavyViper Arrangement: HeavyViper
02 (27). HeavyViper Arrangement: HeavyViper Lyrics: HeavyViper Vocals: HeavyViper
03 (28). Loser Kashiwagi Arrangement: Loser Kashiwagi
04 (29). Soshi Hosoi Arrangement: Soshi Hosoi
05 (30). Cryptovolans Arrangement: Cryptovolans Accordion: Anatole Muster Synthesizer Solo: Chimeratio
06 (31). dante gofar Arrangement: dante gofar EWI: Charles Ritz Alto Saxophone: Charles Ritz
07 (32). Raito Arrangement: Raito
08 (33). antymis Arrangement: antymis
09 (34). milkypossum Arrangement: milkypossum
10 (35). COSIO Arrangement: COSIO
11 (36). Lena Raine Arrangement: Lena Raine Piano: Lena Raine
DISC ४: The End (37-48) 01 (37). Promtastik Arrangement: Promtastik Violin: Promtastik Electric Guitar: Mattmatatt Electric Bass: Mattmatatt
02 (38). Chimeratio Arrangement: Chimeratio Includes samples from: Promtastik, AIKATYPE, antymis, Cryptovolans, MB, HeavyViper, Justin Thornburgh, potatoTeto, neozoid, milkypossum, Lena Raine, Garoslaw, jaxcheese, ViRiX Dreamcore, floopy, fusoxide, Dominic Ninmark, SomeSpoonyBard, Philip Saguil, Yasuhisa Watanabe, Melos Han-Tani
03 (39). Melos Han-Tani Arrangement: Melos Han-Tani
04 (40). WASi303 Arrangement: WASi303
05 (41). Francisco Cerda Arrangement: Francisco Cerda
06 (42). Dominic Ninmark Arrangement: Dominic Ninmark
07 (43). eebrozgi Arrangement: eebrozgi
08 (44). Justin Thornburgh Arrangement: Justin Thornburgh
09 (45). sincx Arrangement: sincx
10 (46). Philip Saguil feat. Emma Kobin, Eevamari Arrangement: Philip Saguil Soprano: Emma Kobin Alto: Eevamari Eevamari Recording Engineer: eebrozgi Piano: Philip Saguil
11 (47). Jamphibious Arrangement: Jamphibious Electric Guitar: Jamphibious
12 (48). Yasuhisa Watanabe Arrangement: Yasuhisa Watanabe
Produced by Resonant Union, in collaboration with System Erasure. All tracks are mixed by their respective arrangers. Project Organizer: Recca Provider of Ingredients: eebrozgi Production Assistance: MB, eebrozgi Mastering: R-Man Cover Art and Logo: Ebbo Booklet: Philip Saguil, MB, dante gofar Video Editor: MB, Chimeratio Intermission Game Footage: MB, Philip Saguil Bandcamp Editor: Philip Saguil
Contained in 12 collections
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