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ワールド・エンド・エコノミカ オリジナルサウンドトラック
Catalog Number SPMWEE03
Release Date Dec 31, 2013 C85
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Release Price 2000 JPY
Media Format 4 CD + Digital
Classification Original Soundtrack, Vocal
OrganizationsSpicy Tails

Disc 1 (CD) Original Soundtrack

01 world end economica 1:34
02 Ride a Bull 1:35
03 六番街のカンタータ 2:18
04 ハガナのテーマ 2:10
05 リサのテーマ 2:17
06 ハルのテーマ 1:50
07 Downtown 1:49
08 Shine City 1:57
09 散策 1:52
10 The Great Escape 1:24
11 Under the net 2:00
12 穏やかな日々 1:42
13 Walking the sunday's street 2:17
14 Buy Buy Buy 1:34
15 Is it like a tea pot? 1:19
16 Day time 1:22
17 Last 10mins. 1:20
18 Tales of Panties 1:20
19 Break Street 1:17
20 誰にも止められない 1:12
21 Deep Space 2:14
22 Palace party(バートンのテーマ) 1:37
23 Decision 3:03
24 Restlessness 1:56
25 地球を見上げて 3:02
26 Sola 1:29
Disc length 47:30
Disc 2 (CD) Original Soundtrack

01 ピアノソナタ第8番ハ短調「悲愴」 第二楽章 Op.13 4:51
02 フラクタリングリーブス 1:29
03 クリスのテーマ 1:11
04 エレノアのテーマ 1:36
05 Rain, Sad Rain 1:16
06 優雅なお茶会 1:08
07 Friendly Days 1:03
08 Twon for Shopping 1:02
09 Spark and Bright 1:14
10 Fun Fun Fun 1:24
11 やわらかな時間 1:58
12 Depth of Thought 2:32
13 M.M. 1:11
14 Another Ambitous 1:31
15 アルハンブラ 1:19
16 Happy Street 1:19
17 Midnight Moon 1:22
18 Tragedy 2:25
19 Glass /w ice 1:57
20 均衡 1:23
21 Place Pray for God 1:29
22 疑念 1:38
23 宇宙のその先 1:44
24 Ice Break 1:10
25 緊張 1:10
26 Patience, Impatience 1:54
27 想い 2:10
Disc length 44:26
Disc 3 (CD) Original Soundtrack

01 Balmy Day 2:36
02 Hop on the hill 1:09
03 懐かしい昔日 2:05
04 U FINE? 1:05
05 狂想 1:12
06 The Club 1:12
07 1:20
08 Office 1:23
09 取引の始まり 1:02
10 焦燥 1:31
11 Heart Beat Hard 2:38
12 Wondaring World 1:16
13 Dear Old Friends 2:10
14 0101 digit 1:44
15 The madness of the madness 1:20
16 凱旋 1:23
17 Your Lost 1:45
18 月面の北壁 1:39
19 これまでとこれからと進む勇気を 1:26
20 意外 1:21
21 Xover 1:49
22 核心 2:00
23 Amazing Grace for Chris 2:55
24 疾走 2:14
25 On the Stage 1:31
26 regret or... 2:23
27 重なる今と昔 2:25
28 Big Boss 1:16
29 Termination 1:35
30 また始める 1:47
Disc length 51:12
Disc 4 (CD) Original Soundtrack, Vocal

01 ワールド・エンド・エコノミカ 4:06
02 retrograde interior 7:00
03 cause to decide 3:10
04 escape from predicament 3:54
05 月光イノセンス 4:01
06 not bound 4:34
07 Alchemy 3:30
08 actable luna 4:18
Disc length 34:33
Disc 5 (Digital) Original Soundtrack

01 Dreaming Night 3:17
02 枯れない泉のその裏側 2:09
03 End of his young days 2:04
04 ジムノペディ 第1番 3:41
05 Daily Work 1:18
Disc length 12:29

  Total tracks 96   Total length 3:10:10


Comiket 85 release.

Several errors were found when the album was released:

Disc 1:
- CD Track 13 corresponds to Booklet Track 1.
- CD Tracks 1 to 12 corresponds to Booklet Tracks 2 to 13 respectively.
- Booklet Tracks 27 to 30 are missing on the CD.

Disc 2:
- CD Track 5 corresponds to Booklet Track 4.
- CD Track 4 corresponds to Booklet Track 5.
- CD Track 20 corresponds to Booklet Track 19.
- CD Track 19 corresponds to Booklet Track 20.

Disc 3:
- Track 31, Daily Work, is missing from both CD and Booklet.

The missing tracks (corresponding to Disc 5) are available for download from Spicy Tail's website (

Fuminori Matsumoto (Discs 1-3), Suhrta (Disc 1)

WEE OP Themes
KISIDA KYODAN & THE AKEBOSI ROCKETS (Disc 4 Tracks 1, 3, 5, 7)
Lyrics & Composition: kisida
Vocal: ichigo
Guitar: hayapi, kisida
Bass: kisida
Drums: mi-cyan

WEE ED Themes
-PF AUDIO- (Disc 4 Tracks 2, 4, 6, 8)
Lyrics & Composition: fuyu
Guitar: prkr
Vocal: Kiyono

WEE OST Packaging Design & Illustration

Album Stats

Contained in 6 collections
Contained in 3 wish lists
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Platforms represented


Spicy Tails


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