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Super Metroid ~Reserve Tank: VARIAtions~
Disc 1
NotesThis is an album born out of love and friendship towards a great musician, who's made a difference in the lives of everyone who contributed to this project and many more. His name is bLiNd, and fell very ill a while back, and as a response to this the community of OverClocked ReMix put together this album in order to support him in his recovery.
His recovery went well, and eventually contributed his own music to the album. Now everyone can listen to the music and read the stories of the people who wanted nothing but to help a friend in need. About Jordan, Thanks so much for making such great music all these years. You have a true talent. We heard about your health issues at OCR, so we decided to do something that might help get your spirits up. This is a remix album called Super Metroid ~Reserve Tank: VARIAtions~. It's a little Brinstar-heavy, but I don't think you'll mind too much. ;) A lot of people contributed to this little project, ranging from established artists to people just starting out. I didn't want to exclude anyone. :) We hope you enjoy all of these (mine especially ;) and we hope you have a full and speedy recovery. Lots of love from all of us at OverClocked ReMix! ~ DarkeSword |
Album Stats Contained in 18 collections
Contained in 8 wish lists
Game Products represented
Super Metroid Platforms represented
SNES (Super Famicom) Available atRelated AlbumsSuper Metroid: Relics of the Chozo OCRA-0001 Dark Side of Zebes CCN002 Super Metroid Symphony JOY-616 P.Z.20X5 CLPJ-0012 M3TROID N/A
Jul 22, 2008 10:19 AM Edited
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